
Welcome to the Access to Justice Curricular Project, a project of the Consortium for Access to Justice, in collaboration with the Stanford Law School’s Center for the Legal Profession.  Part of this project involves efforts to support curricular integration of access to justice issues and materials for both specialized and core law school courses. This website represents what we hope to be an online clearinghouse of materials.

2011 white paper authored by Professor Deborah L. Rhode for the Consortium on Access to Justice issues reported evidence that access to justice issues are insufficiently covered in many law school curricula. For example, one national survey, only one percent of law school graduates recalled coverage of pro bono obligations in their professional responsibility class or orientation program.” Although may students are exposed to access issues in their clinical courses, rarely do these classes find time to “provide in-depth coverage of structural concerns in the delivery of assistance.”

We are grateful to the faculty from around the country who have contributed to this website and welcome your additions. Please use the links to the right to view syllabi and materials. This site was last updated in 2011.